It is located 10 km. north of Arica and its origin is due to the river of the same name that runs its water to the sea during the whole year. There are “geoglyphs” of great proportions in the right part of the mountainsides that form the valley.
Lluta geoglyphs: when you are going out of Arica, you can appreciate panels like El Águila, El Pájaro (33 km. wide), Hombre Grande (56 m), Hombre Chico, etc.
Poconchile: located 38 km. from Arica. Regarding its architecture we can mention the church of San Jerónimo. The international road destroyed its physiognomy. The road was built in a twist of the valley and in the slope of the southern hill in order not to waste agricultural land, to protect from the wind and to be oriented towards the sun.
Poconchile Church: it is located in the high part of the town, next to the grave yard. The original construction dates back to the XVII century, but it was probably rebuilt in the beginning of the XIX century. The belfries are made of wood. The external architectonic expression is remarkable, with fine, well proportioned lines that are perfectly adequate to the place and weather. It is surrounded by a closed entrance hall with adobe walls and pilasters of great strength and plastic expression.

Molinos Church: located 52 km. from Arica
With a 5 km. detour. The Santa Peregrina Chapel is located in the south side of the valley. It has a main deck, adobe walls, it is covered with mud over rush mats, and the belfry and beams are made of wood. Its architecture is very interesting. Its entrance hall is closed by an adobe wall.
Cardones Fissure: 65 km. from Arica, it is a zone of candelabrum cactus (Browningia candelaris), located between 2,000 and 2,700 m. over the sea level.
Formation of Candelabrum cactus: starting from 1,500 m. over the sea level -and mostly in the international road Ch-11- you can enjoy the view of these formations located in the middle of the desert.
Pukará Plant: in the kilometer 102, you can find the gold processor of Choquelimpie.