Main attractions
The capital of Chile, founded in 1540. Among its attractions are: parks, museums, art galleries, palaces and monuments. It serves as a starting point to the other regions of the north and south. The regions of Valparaiso and Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins are considered the nearest.
Among the attractions the city of Santiago has to offer are:
It is situated between Beauchef and Rondizoni streets.
An old and well-preserved park donated to the city by Don Luis Cousiño and inaugurated in 1873. It was designed by the landscape architects Arana Borica and the French Guillermo Renner. It was a pass time place for Santigians at the end of the 19th century and still is one of the most popular places to visit. It has beautiful gardens, many attractions and entertainment places like: a geological and paleontological museum and the famous amusement park called Fantasilandia. It offers picnic areas, El Huaso museum, the municipal aquarium, insectarium, typical food restaurants, artisan shops, a lagoon with water- pedal boats to enjoy the sun of the day, a swimming pool, a roller-blades dome and many avenues.

It is located at the south side of the Mapocho river between the Baquedano and Prat Plazas.
A beautiful park planted with leafy trees and pleasant to go for a walk. It was built on the lands left over after the canalization of the Mapocho river in 1891 and was inaugurated by the quarter-master general, Enrique Cousiño, in 1900.
It stretches along the south bank of the Mapocho river in the sectors between the Mapocho Station and Baquedano Plaza. It is decorated by sculptural monuments such as: the Naval Combat of Iquique, Aviation Martyrs, the Statue of Icaro and Dédalo, the Statue of Glory, Statue of Dios Pan, the Rubén Dario monument, The Independence writers monument and the German Fountain monument. Moreover, the park hosts the national Museum of Fine Arts, Contemporary Arts Museum and the American Popular Art Museum.
The paths in the park are curved and surrounded by an enormous variety of trees in such a distinct way that it is rare to find two of the same species. The park has an extension covering 12 hectares.
It is located at 2201 Santa Maria Avenue.
The park provides samples of sculptures in open air of famous national and international art prize winners. The sculptures are elaborated in metal, wood, fibers and other materials. There is also a show room permanently functioning.
Its privileged location, at the bank of the Mapocho river and the surrounding green areas, makes it an alternative for those who would like to enjoy culture and nature. The beautiful sunset gives a special shine to the sculptures provoking a new sensation while the sun goes down.
Visiting Hours: Monday to Firday from 09:00 to 18:00 hrs.
Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 to 18: hrs.
It is located at 450 Pío Nono St.
It is the biggest park of the country. It has total superficies of 728 hectares. It includes the San Cristóbal, the Chacarillas, the Gemelos and the Pirámide hills.
The statue of the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception, 14 mts. high, lies at the summit of the San Crsitóbal hill. Among the attractions are: the Zoo, two swimming pools, a picnic zone, restaurants, children play ground zone, a chapel and the Botanical Garden. It can be visited by car, cable car or funicular.
The city of Santiago was built at the feet of this hill in 1541 by the Spaniard Conqueror Pedro de Valdivia. It was anciently called Huelén by the Araucanos. At present, it is a place to go for walks and has small plazas, site seeing areas and monuments.
It is located in Maipú, towards the west of Santiago, the Arauco Outlet mall offers 120 shops, restaurants and a playing ground for children.
Towards the east of Santiago, there are many shopping center such as: Panorámico Mall, Apumanque, Parque Arauco and Alto Las Condes, all of which offer services, entertainment and a verity of shops.
It is located in the heart of Santiago where government, cultural and religious buildings are found around it. Its layout was done by Pedro de Valdivia in 1541.
A fortified area, for gunpowder storage, was built in its center by the Spaniards. There, they also carried out military exercises. That is why it was called Plaza de Armas or the Arms plaza.
It is considered the center of Santiago. It is also the geographical point from which measurements are taken towards any point in the country.
There are any many historical buildings surrounding the plaza such as: la Real Audencia, the house of the Governors of Chile ( now the Municipality of Santiago) and the Central Post Office respectively, the Metropolitan Cathedral and the Portal Fernández Concha building.
The statue of Pedro de Valdivia, founder of Santiago, is situated at the north-east corner of the plaza. The statue represents the unity and dependence between the conqueror and his horse. It was donated by the resident Hispanic community in 1960 at the anniversary of the 150 years of the Independence of Chile.
Also, and in front of the Cathedral, stands out a monument in honor of Cardinal José María Caro, the first Chilean cardinal. And in the center, there is a marble monument of a head, named ” for the Liberty of America” where some episodes illustrate the struggle of the Latin American countries for their independence.
The ” Indigenous People” monument, inaugurated in 1992, is located at the south –west corner of the plaza. It pays homage to our ancestors.
It is situated in front of the main entrance of the government palace, La Moneda, and it is surrounded by other buildings in what is called the Civic Quarter of Santiago. One can watch the Change of Guard activities carried out by the Chilean Police force every two days.
T the north side, one can see the monuments in honor of the presidents of Chile such as: Jorge Alessandri Rodriguez and Eduardo Frei Montalba.
It is located at 305-307 José Victorino Lastarria St.
It is a small gathering of houses that form an interesting and harmonic cultural and artistic center. It was designed in 1982 by the architects Ignacio Cruz and Walter Biggerman who remodeled the houses that belong to the 19th century.
It has art schools and workshops for painting and sculpture, ceramic carvings, books, show rooms, theaters and restaurants all of which give a life and movement to the area. Moreover, there is the Archeological Museum of Santiago which contains archeological, anthropological and pre-Colombian Chilean art samples.
It is located at the north side of the Mapocho river and at the feet of the San Cristobál hill.
A painteresque quarter that has transformed into Santiago’s Bohemian sector. It offers good art galleries, cafés, theaters and restaurants. The most busy days are Fridays and Saturdays which becomes crowded from 22:00 hrs.
On the Antonio lópez de Bello Street, there are beautiful houses that are attached all along the Street and has balconies covered with flowers. There are also painteresque restaurants and other fine ones with specialties in international food such as La Chimba, Rodizzio, etc. Places that offer typical food such as the traditional Venezia.
There are theatres, concert Cafés and art galleries. We recommend that you would reserve with anticipation for any entry to spectacles and restaurants.
Part of the pleasant aspect of the visit to this quarter consists of talking walks among other people who also stay till late night hours observing the artisan articles exposed on colorful cloths on the ground.
It is located at 2540 Blanca Encalada St.
It was inaugurated in 1870. Its covers a 78 hectares area. The building was a piece of art done by the architect Josué Smith. The building has a clear French baroque influence with promenades, gardens, terraces and stairs.
The estate is ornamented by the Andes mountains. The classic races are run six Sundays a year.
It is located at 520 Matucana Street.
For those who like sports, the Qunita Normal offers: Tennis courts, Football fields, Roller Skating areas, a lagoon with rowing boats, toys for children, avenues for strolling and biking.
Moreover, you can finish the day by visiting the existing museums that provide an important and attractive cultural aspect. They are: the national Museum for Natural history, the Science and Technology Museum, the Railway Park Museum and the Children Museum.
This public park was founded in 1830 and created with the purpose of reproducing foreign and alien species in an area extending to 40 hectares. It is planted with Pine, Hazel, Egg fruit and Poplar trees among others.
It is a very frequented place especially during the weekends where it receives hundreds of families, athletes and lovers. At present, it is administered by the Municipality of Santiago and is in excellent conserved condition.
It is located at 3349 Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins Avenue.
It is an audio-visual center with a semi-spherical screen that simulates the vault of heavens where the stars and space show is projected. The room has a capacity for 298 people. It also has show rooms, a cafeteria and souvenir shops.
It is located at 43 km. south-east of Santiago.
In the past, it was a living place for the indigenous people. Now, it is recognized for its artisan articles in small ceramic figures of animals and humans representing local customs.
Among its attractions is the Undurraga Winery that has old warehouses hermetically constructed with brick dating to 1885.
It is located at 67 km. west of Santiago.
A important agricultural city where farmers of the zone sell their products.
It is one of the main providers of horticultural products for the Capital.
An ancient village founded in 1742 by Don José Manso de Velasco who named it ” Villa de san José de Logroño”, however it was later known by the name Melipilla, an indigenous name that means Square Place or Four Sides which, in turn, corresponds to the Physiognomy of the valley that is surrounded by limiting heights. At present, it is a prosperous and dynamic city, an influential center formed by many shops and estates.
It has an excellent exclusive access route from Santiago ( Ruta 78).
It is located at 25 km. south of Santiago.
It is the Capital of the province of Maipo. All along the Panamericana highway, one could see green houses, pet farms and artisan shops that sell articles made of wicker, stone and clay. In January, there is a Folklore festival held in this locality.
It is located at 32 km. north of Santiago.
It is a village totally dedicated to agriculture. In the past it was inhabited by a colony of the Inca civilization of Peru.
Here, the Spas of Colina stand out as the man attraction and is situated at 909 m. above sea level.
It is located at 22 km. south of Santiago.
Its surrounding areas form the point of interest with place like the Pirque locality and the Clarillo river national Reservation.
The Calan Hill Observatory
It is located in Los Dominicos, camino del Alba, at 12 km. east of Santiago.
This observatory possess modern instruments, both visual and electronic.
To visit you must contact the Astronomy Department of the University of Chile who will inscribe those who are interested in order to organize tours.
Visiting Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Metropolitna Region: The Andes
It is located at 15 km. north-east of Lo Valdés through the G-25 route.
Reaches a height of 5850 m. above sea level.
Situated at the border line with Argentina from where the river El Volcano originates. It is a tourist attraction because one could practice mountain-skiing, climbing, and excursions on foot, etc.
To ascend it you need to use the route from Lo Valdés. The route has a first degree ascending level.
It is located in the origins of the river Maipo.
This volcano has a cone figure and is isolated. It has a height of 5290 m. above sea level and is also situated on the border line with Argentina.
It is a tourist attraction because one could practice mountain-skiing, climbing, and excursions on foot, etc…
To ascend to this volcano, the following routes can be used:
Lagoon del Diamante ( at 8 km. distance and on the west side ) The route has a first degree ascending level.
Alvarado Passage, entrance through the river Maipo, two days on mule back through Las Melosas to reach the passage. The route has a first degree ascending level.
It is located at 64 km. east of Santiago, also at the borders with Argentina.
Has rigorous and thick copula of eternal snow.
Situated at the border limits with Argentina from where the river Colorado originates and at a height of 6550 m. above sea level.
It constitutes an imposing scenery and a potential tourist attraction for the practicing of mountain activities such as: mountain skiing and climbing.
It has a cone figure shape and appear to be isolated from the west. It also has a crater diameter of 3 km where you can see a big mass of snow at its bottom.
It is located at the north of San José volcano.
Reaches a height of 6108 m. above sea level and is covered with eternal snows at the peak.
Located at the border limits with Argentina at a short distance towards the north of the San José volcano. Many sportive activities can be practiced such as mountain skiing, climbing and excursions on foot.
Its ascend can be started from the Yeso river until reaching the streams that fall down form the mountain masses. From the estuary of the Salinillas, you go up to the village of Portezuelo del Marmolejo. From there, it takes a day and a half on mule back. Route difficulty is grade two.
Metropolitan Region: Folklore and customs
It is located at 973 San Pablo Street.
A national Monument with big metallic structure made of galvanized iron and beautified with decorative motives which were cast in England according to Manuel Aldunte. In 1868, the construction of the building ended under the administration of the Aldunte himself.
At present, you can find restaurants where you can taste delicious seafood and typical plates and also buy some artisan handcraft articles made of wicker and clay.
Opening Hours: Monday to Thursday from 6:30 to 16:00.
Friday and Saturday from 6:30 to 20:00.
Sundays from 6:30 to 15:00.
Considered the main artisan handicraft Center of the country. Th products are exposed in painteresque places on both sides of the main street of the village. Of Indian origin, the village has conserved the traditions and customs expressed through clay.
The village has restaurants of typical and traditional food among which a plate called “Pomaitina”, exquisite big -size empanadas, special plates of pig meat, poultry soups and grape cider all of which in a typical folkloric decorations.
The handicraft products can be classified in three groups: miniatures small decorative figures or of countryside motifs or religious motifs; figures of bigger size and without any thematic motif and finally utility articles which are form the main volume of sales and these include: casseroles, pans, booklets, saucepans, dishes, flowerpots, flower stands, flower vases, large earthware jars, etc.
The model is hand-made on a table, manually rotated, on which the artist gives tries to give the object a round and then, the object is cooked in a clay oven at high temperature.
The themes had underwent great change due to the clients’ demand on new and original models.
Distinguished to posses a great variety of plates that vary from barbecues that have white, red and pink meat grilled over charcoal and accompanied by toasted potatoes, Cazuela which is a mixed soup of beef, pork and chicken meat cooked with rice, corn, zucchini, carrots, green peas and condiments; Humitas which is ground corn mixed with condiments and then wrapped by the corns leafs in a pocket shape form, then placed in boiling water until well-cooked; Pastel de Choclo which is a sort of corn pudding mixed with beef and chicken meat, eggs, olives, raisins and condiments all toped with sugar that becomes brownish when but into a very hot oven; salads and vegetables of the central valley and fish and seafood coming from the central area.
It also has renowned restaurants of international food.
Lakes and lagoons
It is located at 67 Km. south-east of Santiago.
A lagoon of 32 square Km. located together with a beautiful country side and mountainous landscape. Constitutes an excellent natural scenario for water sports.
Can be accessed through Champa passing through a beautiful arboleda. (15 km.)
There are many activities that take place such as water skiing, vale navigation, aquatic bicycles and others like sport fishing de pejerreyes and tents.
It has restaurants, hostels and picnic and camping sites.
The lagoon is 4 km. wide and 8 km. long.
It has slushy shores and surrounded by hills.
Its water is dark green and has soft tide.
Th approximate depth is 20 m.
At the nearby surroundings there are houses constructed in the end of XVIII century. These are called the Houses of Pintué.
There are various private yacht clubs.
Fauna: mackerel and carps.
Birds: : cormorants, herons, coot and other sea birds
There are many camping sites such as Camping Pintué at the sides of the lagoon which also provides food services, two swimming pools, water sport equipment rentals and green areas.
Located at 20 Km. west of Santiago.
The lagoon is surrounded by beautiful landscape, Eucalyptus woods, espinos, Algarrobos and Maitenes among other species.
It is apt for the practice of diverse water sport activities like wind surfing, yachting and mackerel and carp fishing.
The lagoon forms part of Carén park which has area of 2500 m. long and 90 m. wide.
It offers a 100.000 hectares of picnic zone, changing cabins, showers and bathrooms.
The lagoon has a depth of 8 m. in some sectors and the lagoon bottom is slushy.
Access: Lomas de lo Aguire buses with departure from Las Rejas metro station.
It is located at 60 km. east of Santiago.
It is connected with El Prava and El Colorado ski centers thus forming the largest skiing superficies of the south hemisphere which is called “Los Tres Valles de Los Andes” ( the three valleys of the Andes).
It 107 km of skiing tracks and its 41 elevators convert it into a winter paradise of exceptional qualities and high level. It has superficies of 10000 hectares and a peak height that exceeds the 5000 m.
It offers 9 lifts, 3 chair lifts of 4, 3, & 2 places, 5 surface lifts, a “baby lift” and 31 km. trails for all kinds of skiers).
It offers three hotels with big suites and rooms, seven restaurants specialized in the French cuisine, bars, pubs, banks, kindergarten, covered swimming pools, a clinic, a disco, a gym, etc.
It has an international ski school that offers classes in: ski, snowboard, heliski, helisurf, delta wings, skidoo and sledges pulled by Huskies.
Auto circulation hours are established and restricted during the weekends and holidays.
For information about the route condition and state, ski tracks call the Valle Nevado office, (56-2) 698-0103 ( in the Andes mountains) and (56-2) 206-0027 ( Santiago Office).
The Ski Season: Begins on the second week of June and extends till the end of September.
It is located at 50 km. east of Santiago.
It is located in a privileged place due to the beauty of the landscape and the varieties of options offered to the skier. You can practice skiing, mountain sports, excursions, horse riding and enjoy the fresh and pure air of the mountains.
The “El Colorado”, “Farellones” and “La Parva” are located in one of the most important ski areas of the country and South America. The centers have excellent areas for beginners, advanced and experts. There is a diversity of lodging alternatives. Another alternative would be the daily excursions by buses that go out of Santiago. (Avda. Apoquindo 4900).
Equipment: El Colorado and Farellones have 19 lifts, 4 of which are triple chair lifts of high capacity, 1 double chair and 14 surface lifts.
La Parva; has 13 lifts, 1 double seat, 1 triple, 1 quadruple and 10 surface lifts.
There are restaurants, cafeterias, discos, a clinic and a supermarket.
The “El Parador” building, located in El Colorado, has a ticket booth, ski school, equipment rental, bar, international restaurant, cafeteria and a disco.
The Ski Season: Extends from the 15th of June till the end of September.
A ski center located at the proximity of San Jose de Maipo. Can be reached though a beautiful landscape route. It has a refuge belonging to both the General Direction of Sports and recreation ( DIGEDR) and the private sector. The season extends from the second week of June till approximately the end of October.
From this place one could appreciate the exceptional panoramic views towards the Andes mountain sector.
Has a cafeteria and self service restaurant. There is also equipment rental office, andariveles and a ski school.
Located at 2130 m. above sea level and has three trails: “La Lola” that has chair lifts going up to 1000 m. and 270 m. of fall, “Pancho” has a chair lift going up to 350 m., a 28º slope and 100 m. fall and new cable lifts going up to 350 m. of a 17º slope and 60 m. fall.
Metropolitan Region: National park
It is located at 45 km. south of Santiago.
A Protected Wild Area due to its forests, variety of high hills and birds. It has a picnic area situated at the banks of the Clarillo river. It also has exposition rooms for its native flora.
Its superficies are 10185 hectares and is located at 285 to 3000 m. Above sea level. Its climate is apt for the practice of many recreational activities. The temperature in February is 24º C and 11º C in July. It rains in winter and stays dry for approximately Seven months. The are can be visited at any time of the year.
Flora and Fauna: in the open to the public areas, we can observe; litre, peumo, hawthorn, maqui, lingue, cinnamon, myrtle, quillai, etc. As the Fauna is concerned, we can distinguish foxes, Chilean crested tyrant flycatcher, churrete, turca, rayadito, tyrant flycatcher, thrush and other species existent on the hills, ravines and river banks.
The area Administration offices are located in a nearby sector at approximately 300 mts. reachable through an unpaved road.
The Park-Guard office is located in the Administration offices of the reservation.
There are many sites of merienda near to each other and distributed on an extension of 4 km. on both sides of the Clarillo river. Each site is equipped with tables, banks, barbecue grills, waste baskets and hygienic services.
It is open for visit until 20:00 hrs.
It is located in Lo Valdes at 93 km. south-east from Santiago.
The El Morado name is taken from a hill of violet color at the feet of which raises an impressive Glacier. It provide a vegetation variety of herbs of colorful flowers. It is apt for the practice of cavalcades, excursions and mountain activities.
Fauna: Among the birds that live there, we can observe various species like: yal, cometocino, golden chirigue, mountain gold finch, thrush, Chilean swallow , sleepy monk, churrín, giant hummingbird , mountain hummingbird and doves.
Facilities and Installations: The administration offices are found at the entrance of the facilities on the south bank of El Volcan river which is 12 km. from the El Volcan village and 1 km from the Morales baths. The main camping areas are the sectors called Las Panimavidas and El Morado lagoon which are at a 4 and 6 km. distance, respectively, from the administration offices.
There are paths apt for excursion which would permit the observation of the fauna and flora and geomorphology of the area.
It is located at 21 km. east of Santiago.
A place with beautiful tracks for excursions where you can observe the distinct geography, La Paloma and El Altar glaciers.
The superficies is 11.575 hectares and the height goes from 900 to 5500 m. above sea level.
The annual average temperature is 14.4º C at a height of 1500 m. above sea level. Beyond that the temperature begins to go down.
The rain is scarce yet in the winter there is snow which stays in small sectors till the spring.
The Flora is mainly composed of: rosaceous tree, litre, mayten and quillai. Among the bushes, we can distinguish the white herb, joint fir, broom sedge and llaretilla. You can also find some species like coniferous like cypress, pines, Oregon pine or other introduced species such as elm and smooth-leaved elm.
The bird fauna dominates the landscape of the area. We can sight species such as: mountain doves, condors and eagles. Among the mammals we distinguish: cururo, rodent and Darwin rats.
The Administration offices are located in Villa Paulina at 4 km. from the access road to the Sanctuary. There are 5 camping sites and merienda areas which are inside the Villa itself. The areas have tables, banks, waste baskets, barbecue grills, a parking and hygienic services.
Metropolitan Region: Rivers and waterfalls
It is located at 92 km. south-east of Santiago.
Taking the G-25 route and passing by Morales Baths, the river El Volcan is formed from the uniting of the Colina and Morales rivers and flows from east to west pouring into the Maipo river. From its hydrographic basin, two thermal fountains originate: the Morales baths and the Colina baths.
It is located at 20 km. from Puente Alto.
Can be reached by taking the G-25 route and passing by El Manzano. This river is born from the outskirts of the Las Polleras and Tupungato hills just at the border lines with Argentina. Its water run towards the south-east and pours into the Maipo river.
On this river, the Los Maitenes Hydro-electrical power station functions and provides electricity to Santiago and Valparaiso.
It is located at 45 km. south of Santiago.
The mountain basin of the Clarillo river has deep valley and great heights of 2500 m.
There are many merienda sites very near to each other and distributed on along an extension of 4 km on both sides of the Clarillo river. Each site is equipped with tables, banks, barbecue grills, waste baskets and hygiene services.
It is located in Lo Valdes at 93 km. south-east from Santiago.
The El Morado name is taken from a hill of violet color at the feet of which raises an impressive Glacier. It provide a vegetation variety of herbs of colorful flowers. It is apt for the practice of cavalcades, excursions and mountain activities.
Fauna: Among the birds that live there, we can observe various species like: yal, cometocino, chirigue dorado, mountain gold finch, thrush, Chilean swallow , sleepy monk, churrín, giant hummingbird , mountain hummingbird and doves.
Facilities and Installations: The administration offices are found at the entrance of the facilities on the south bank of El Volcan river which is 12 km from the El Volcan village and 1 km from the Morales baths. The main camping areas are the sectors called Las Panimavidas and El Morado lagoon which are at a 4 and 6 km. distance, respectively, from the administration offices.
There are paths apt for excursion which would permit the observation of the fauna and flora and geomorphology of the area.
Temple of Maipu
It is located in the center of the Maipú community at 16 km. west of Santiago.
This temple has an altar for the Virgen del Carmen which is consecrated as “Patron Saint of Santiago” in gratitude to the victory of the Battle of Maipú on the Royalist Troops which took place on the 5th of April of 1818. The Museum del Carmen which has a collection of colonial furniture, religious images, historic documents and coaches, is located at the side of the temple.
I this same community, an annual celebration called “Fiesta de Cuasimodo” takes place after the Holly week. In this religious festival, the priest brings communion to the sick followed by a caravan of horses and bicycles specially decorated for the occasion.
Metropolitan Region: Spas
It is located in the Cajon del Maipo sector at 1800 m. above sea level. Surrounded by the Andes mountain chains and swimming spas located near the river Maipo. The spa water has curative properties for rheumatism, Arthritis, lumbago and skin diseases.
The tourist will find small hostels and family restaurants where he or she can taste some home cooking. The German refuge Lo Valdés, located at 300 Mts. Height, offers lunch at the terrace or inside with logging all year round (shared bathrooms) whenever the climatic conditions are good.
One can practice activities such as observing the Flora and Fauna, photography, excursion to look for petrified mollusks and cavalcades of different duration.
The mountain climate is apt and recommended for those who suffer from bronco-pulmonary illnesses.
It is located at 12 km. of Lo Valdés and at 103 km. of Santiago.
Natural Spa wells located in the form of terraces at 3500 m. above sea level at the outskirts of the mountains. Its mineral waters reaches a temperature of 60º C. It has a spectacular view of the mountain and the river.
It is a mandatory stop for the muleteers who bring their herds to eat in the valleys of the Andes. Its waters are rich in minerals and posses curative properties. It offers variety of activities like walks, flora and fauna observations, photography, mountain activities and cavalcades among others. It is open from September to March if the climatic condition are good.
It is located at 40 km. north of Santiago. It is situated at 909 m. above sea level. Accessible to the general public. It is recommended for the treatment of diverse types of Arthritis. Its principal attraction is the Olympic covered swimming pool. It also has some attractive picnic sites.
Adventure tourism
Location and Access: At the end of Agua de Palo Ave. in the Santa Maria de Manquehue sector.
In this ravine, there is a spring of underground consumable crystal clear waters.
The walk along sides at the feet of the Manquehue hill, you would pass through bushy tracks which suddenly transforms into dense woods of Chilean Quillayes, Peumos and Liters. Here, you can basically practice fauna and flora observation and also hiking.
The main village is San José de Maipo which is located at 48 km. South-east of Santiago.
It is a pre-Andes area with a couple of surrounding mountains. It has a good climate, painteresque villages that offer artisan articles made of wood and stones, small restaurants that offer the passenger tortillas de rescoldo, pan amasado, tea time meals and lodging.
It is a sector that is developing because of the recreational and open space activities.
The visit to the Cajon starts in Las Vizcachas Sports Complex, considered as the most important autodromo of the country, then passing through many villages such as: La Obra, Las Vertientes, El Canelo, El Manzano, Guayacán, San José de Maipo, El Melocotón, San Alfonso, El Ingenio, San Gabriel, El Volcán and Lo Valdés.
Gastronomy: Fruits and sweets of the zone and a variety of wines (San Alfonso).
Services: restaurants and hostels along the route inside.
Natural Attractions: Maipo river; Lagunillas ski tracks; El Toyo, Coyonco and El Manzano estuaries; Colina and Morales Baths, to mention a few.
In this zone, you can practice hiking, trekking, mountain bike, cavalcades.
Location and access: In El Melocotón sector at 22 km. From the Guayacán small village, the river’s waters are abundant and speedy during the months of January and March. The descent begins in special rafts of a 5-7 person capacity, first passing over calm and white waters then gradually entering a turbulent zone and the rapids area.
It is a passage in the center of the heights of El Cajón del Mapocho. In the way, there are various small villages and at the end you would reach the famous ski centers of Farellones, El Colorado, La Prava and Valle Nevado which are open from June to September and has organized ascending and descending hours.
Location and access: at 32 km. east of Santiago and can be reached through El Arrayán road.
A winter complex formed by two separate localities. Each of which has lodging and good ski tracks. Its climate and location permit enjoying the good snows. Situated at 2430 m. above sea level, it has a land apt for practicing ski for 40 kms. and has 22 tracks. Snowboarding can also be practiced.
It is located in San Bernardo at 27 km. south of Santiago.
It is built on ruins of a fortress of the Inca civilization dating to the XV century. These ruins are accessible on foot through a path from where you can see the beautiful encircling valley.
At the feet of this hill there is a small museum that describes the Inca culture and the zone. At the east outskirts of the site, there is a picnic area. The museum is open all the days of the week form 07:00 to 19:00 hrs.
History: the ruins were discovered in 1925. They were built around 1480, 60 years before the Conquest and founding of Santiago. They consist of a complex of sites placed at the top of a hill and has two walls encircling the place for defense purposes. These walls belong to the most austral forts of the Inca empire who conquered Chile till the Maule river.
A few kilometers to the south is the Pukará de Paine.
Metropolitan Museum: Santa Rita Winery
It is located in Alto Jahuel at 36 km. South of Santiago.
It is considered as a National Monument. The complex has houses, a church and a beautiful park all built in 1883.
The winery was founded by Don Domingo Fernández Concha in his estate in Alto Jahuel. This estate had been functioning since the colonization time and was at the side of the old access road to Puente Alto. Bernardo O’Higgins lodged there after the Rancagua disaster and its warehouses served as a refuge for Manuel Rodriguez.
At present, it is possible to visit the warehouses and the sales office of the winery which is located on the Panamericana South highway.
It is located at 210 Virginia Subercaseaux St., Pirque.
It is considered the biggest producer of fine wines for exportation. It was founded in 1883 by the Marquis of Casa y Concha, Don Melchor de Concha y Toro and Don Ramon Subercaseaux.
The production has incremented with the impression of new vines and the construction of new storage facilities.
At the end of the century, the park and the country mansion printed on the labels of some of the bottles, were designed and planted .
It can be visited all year round in the following weekly hours: 10:30 to 13:00 hrs. and from 15:00 to 17:00hrs.
On Saturdays from 15:00 to 18:00 hrs. and on Sundays and Holidays from 10:30 to 13:00 hrs . and from 15:00 to 18:00 hrs.
It is located at the intersection of Quilin and Tobalaba avenues.
It possesses the most beautiful park of the country.
The primitive vines of Macul date back to the year 1554 and they were brought from Spain.
The Cousiño Macul winery can be admired through the road that borders the warehouses and where the public can buy wine.
The vines that were brought from Spain produced a variety of famous wines such as:” Don Matías ” and ” don Luis” among red wines and “Antigua Reserva” and ” Doña Isidora” among white wines.
Visiting Hours: is Monday to Friday from 08:30 to 12:30 hrs. and 14:00 to 17:00 hrs. Saturday from 08:30 to 11:00 hrs.
This winery belongs to the Cousiño family since the middle of the 19th century and who did many innovations by changing the Spanish vines with ones brought from France
It is located at 1431 Rodrigo de Araya St., Santiago.
Its wines are internationally recognized and has won many Honorary Medals in different international wine fairs.
The warehouses of this winery have neoclassical characteristics and has superficies of approximately 4000 square meters. It presents an interesting complex from and architectural point of view.
The winery can be visited by tourists, who walk round the installations and taste its wines which are aged in Chilean oak barrels.
The construction of the warehouse was done at different stages: the first in 1877, the second in 1881 and the third in 1898.
The construction is a continual of underground space with superficies designed as warehouses.
At present, these buildings are still been used as warehouses for wine. It was declared a National Monument in 1973.