The Chilean Navy, through its General Directorate of Maritime Territory and Merchant Marine (Directemar), has launched a groundbreaking mobile application called “Playas Chile”. This app is designed to provide valuable information to residents and tourists about beaches across the country that are safe for swimming.
With an intuitive interface, the app allows users to select a specific region or commune to check the status of beaches, locate them on a map, and access additional information. It’s available for download on Android and iOS.
This article explores the beaches listed in the app, helping you plan your next seaside getaway. If your region or commune is not mentioned, it means there are no beaches designated as safe for swimming in that area, according to the Chilean Navy.
Beaches in Chile Approved for Swimming
Arica and Parinacota Region
Commune of Arica:
- Playa El Laucho
- Playa La Lisera
Tarapacá Region
Commune of Iquique:
- Chanavayita
- Playa Cavancha
Antofagasta Region
Commune of Tocopilla:
- Piscina Artificial Caleta Boy
- Playa Artificial Balneario Covadonga
Commune of Antofagasta:
- El Balneario Municipal
- Playa el Trocadero
- Playa Juan López
Commune of Mejillones:
- Playa Balneario Municipal
- Playa Guanaye
Atacama Region
Commune of Chañaral:
- Playa Flamenco
Commune of Caldera:
- Bahía Inglesa
- Las Piscinas
- Playa Brava
- Playa Loreto
- Playa Mansa
- Playa Ramada
Coquimbo Region
Commune of Coquimbo:
- Delegación Municipal de Guanaqueros
- La Herradura
- La Herradura Chica
- Peñuelas
- Playa Blanca
- Playa Grande de Tongoy (Sector Norte)
- Playa Socos Sur
- Puerto Velero
- Rosa Agustina Guanaqueros
Valparaíso Region
Commune of La Ligua:
- Playa Los Molles
- Playa Pichicuy
Commune of Zapallar:
- Playa Zapallar
Commune of Papudo:
- Playa Chica Papudo
Commune of Valparaíso:
- Playa Las Torpederas
Commune of Viña del Mar:
- Playa Balneario Las Salinas
- Playa Caleta Abarca
Commune of Quintero:
- Playa El Caleuche
- Playa El Durazno
- Playa El Molino
- Playa Loncura
Commune of Puchuncaví:
- Playa Ventanas
Commune of Concón:
- Los Lilenes
- Playa Amarilla
Commune of Cartagena:
- Playa Chica
Explore Chile’s Inland and Southern Beaches
Chile’s coastal regions are not the only destinations for water lovers. The app also includes safe beaches in the country’s southern regions, famous for their stunning landscapes and tranquil waters.
O’Higgins Region
Commune of Pichilemu:
- Playa Principal
- Playa Punta de Lobos
Commune of Navidad:
- Boca de Rapel
- Las Brisas
- Matanzas
Commune of Paredones:
- Playa Chica Bucalemu
Bío Bío Region
Commune of Penco:
- Playa de Penco
- Playa de Lirquén
- Playa Negra
Commune of Tomé:
- Los Morros de Coliumo
- Playa Bellavista
- Playa Dichato
- Playa El Morro
Commune of Lota:
- Playa Colcura
Commune of Coronel:
- Playa Blanca
Commune of San Pedro de la Paz:
- Balneario Campos Deportivos Llacolén
- Balneario Club Alemán
- Balneario Club Huachipato
- Balneario Militar de Campos San Pedro
- Balneario Universidad de Concepción
Commune of Arauco:
- Playa Arauco
- Playa Laraquette
- Playa Llico
Commune of Hualpén:
- Playa Lenga
- Playa Ramuntcho
Immersive Beach Destinations in Central and Southern Chile
For adventurers seeking unique landscapes, the central and southern regions of Chile offer pristine beaches surrounded by breathtaking views.
La Araucanía Region
Commune of Pucón:
- Playa Blanca Caburgua (Sector 1 and 2)
- Playa Grande (Sector red 1, 2, 3, and 4; Sector green 1, 2, and 3)
- Playa Los Pilos
- Playa Negra Caburgua (Sector red 1 and 2; Sector green 1 and 2)
Commune of Villarrica:
- Calfurray
- Playa Blanca
- Playa Los Chilcos
- Playa Pucara
- Playa Grande de Lican Ray (Sectors A–F)
- Playa Chica de Lican Ray (Sectors A and B)
Commune of Saavedra:
- Playa Los Pinos
Los Ríos Region
Commune of Valdivia:
- Playa Los Molinos
Commune of Futrono:
- Balneario Municipal Bahía Coique
- Galdamez
- Picnic Bahía Coique
- Playa Huequecura
Commune of Panguipulli:
- Playa Chauquén
- Playa Choshuenco
- Playa Coñaripe (Sectors A, B, and C)
- Playa Panguipulli
- Playa Pellaifa
- Playa Pucura Calafquén
- Playa Puerto Fuy
Commune of La Unión:
- Puerto Nuevo
- San Pedro
Commune of Río Bueno:
- Playa Mantilhue
Commune of Lago Ranco:
- Camul
- Ex Estación FF.CC.
- Riñinahue
Los Lagos Region
Commune of Maullín:
- Playa Amortajado
Commune of Ancud:
- Playa Lechagua
Aysén Region
Commune of Cisnes:
- Playa Media Luna
Why Use “Playas Chile”?
The “Playas Chile” app is an invaluable tool for anyone looking to explore Chile’s extensive coastline and inland waters. Whether you’re a local or a tourist, you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re swimming in safe, approved waters.
Download the app today to plan your next trip and discover the natural beauty of Chile’s beaches!